Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What am I thinking about?

You know, God is really showing me that my thoughts are negative most of the time. It just comes naturally for me- I don't mean that as a joke either....unfortunately. I have become so used to thinking in this way that it is second nature for me.

I'm not even sure I know when it happened or when it began. But this much I have learned so far, it is a slow and deliberate process by none other than the enemy...Satan. He knows my weaknesses and he waits and works ever so slowly on my thoughts until I feel defeated.

It's time for me to start really thinking about what's going on in my brain. What it is that I am thinking about ALL the time? My mind is always so busy with things (apparently most of which are not good) that I'm missing what the Lord is telling me. I'm not hearing that still small voice because there's just to much noise going on upstairs.

My mind needs to be renewed, and it's something I'm going to have to work very hard at. It has been taken captive, and the Lord needs to have access to it again to gain back that control. I know the process will take some time, but if God can crumble the wall around Jericho, then he can do the same for the negative thoughts that encircle my mind.

My most gracious Heavenly Father, I come to you today on my knees. I need your help to get my mind in right thinking. I pray that the eyes of my heart may be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which you have called me ( Ephesians1:18). Through you Lord, I have a complete assurance of a certain victory. I know you are going to help me. I know I will succeed in this because you are by my side. Thank you, God. In the sweet name of Jesus, Amen!


ocean mommy said...

Oh I have been there! I had to "re-wallpaper" my mind. Tear down that old stuff and put up some new.... I found a couple of power verses, wrote them on 3x5 cards and taped them to my bathroom mirror. While I would get ready I would say them out loud over and over again...at one point, I made a set for the car. When I would sit at red lights, or wait in the pick up line at school, I would read through them..

Cheri, God is really showing you some neat stuff...don't resist! He is preparing you for something....


LAURIE said...

It is definetly a mindset to be positive and not only be positive but speak positively especially when difficulties are all around us.

Romans 12:2 gives us advice about this:

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and pefect will of God."

Every day we all need to ask God to transform us in our attitudes and speech. God is stretching you Cheri, and thru you and your blogs, He is stretching us! - God bless, Laurie

Ceci G. said...

I think we all struggle with our thought lives. Here is a verse that came to mind immediately when I read your post. Maybe it will help to read and pray on it.

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." --Phil.4:8

I think sometimes our thoughts are more of a detriment to us than our actions. (Jesus said even our thoughts could be sinful and punishable--can you imagine how the Pharisees must have taken that? ! ?)

Praying for you as you seek to be more like Christ! The good news is that we know that is a prayer God will always answer with a resounding "YES!"

Kimberly said...

Girl, you and I just seem to be on the same page so many times! He has been talking to me about my thinking lately, too!
I love how you mentioned the wall of Jericho! Great analogy! I need some negative thought patterns torn down in my life, too!
May we both focus our minds on His Word and on whatever is lovely, whatever is true, whatever is of good report,.....
Love you! And I truly appreciate your prayers! I felt them yesterday! :)

Carol said...

This is a tough one. I struggle with this sometimes, too. Pick a favorite verse having to do with this and memorize it. Whenever you feel yourself having negative thoughts, replace them by repeating that verse to yourself.

Deborah said...

Hi, just out browmsing and decided to stop in...
You've taken some important first steps...acknowledging the problem, confessing your fault to others, and most important giving your burden to the Lord. It's that final step of surrendering and leaving my burdens with the Lord that I struggle with the most!
Keep your eyes on the Lord!
God bless...

Jenifer said...

This is gonna be a long one so hold onto your horses. I just feel like I need to share this with you, my friend.

The Lord and I took a trip down memory lane this morning. I spent some time going through my Scripture box reading verses that He had given me when I was a up against certain situations in life at that time. A verse He brought me back to was Philippians 4:8.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, what ever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praisworthy- think on such things."

A few years ago I did the study "Conversation Peace" where this verse was pivotal. Here's the truth I walked away with from this verse. We are to PRE-PLANT in our minds the things of God so that we can stand firm. The acrostic PRE-PLANT comes directly from this verse and gives me questions to consider when I am faced with an unholy thought or action that is trying its best to get out.

P- Pure- Are my motives pure? Are my thoughts/ words holy?

R- Right- Is this proper and appropriate? Is it in conformity with God's standards and principles? Does it build up or tear down?

E- Excellent- Is this of highest quality? Is it the best or just adequate?

P- Praiseworthy- Is it commendable? Am I proud of the way I am thinking/ speaking? Is God proud of me?

L- Lovely- Does it have beauty that appeals to the heart? Does it mirror the beauty and gentleness of Jesus?

A- Admirable- Is it worthy of being respected and admired?

N- Noble- Is it of highest moral character, superior in quality, great and magnificent? Does it demonstrate my position as a child of the King?

T- True- Is it free of deceit? Does it agree with the Bible's evaluation of the situation? Does it submit to truth?

I say all of this to simply say when we have PRE-PLANTED in our minds the things of God we can take those unholy thoughts captive which results in our minds being like that of Christ Himself (Philippians 2:5)

Whoa- I'm tired! Praying for you precious friend. :)

Jenifer said...

Okay, so at first, when I read your comment I was thinking you were telling me to keep my comments to only a few words- I know I can sometimes ramble on and on and on, kind of like I'm doing now, so I'll stop. :)

Is this the verse you were talking about?

"Be not rash with your mouth and let not your heart be hasty to utter a word before God. For God is in heaven and you are on earth; therefore let your words be few."
Ecc. 5:2

Have a blessed day!

Cheri said...

LOL. no I would never tell you to keep your comments shorter! It is very helpful what you took the time to write for me. I love it! :)

If any of you are wondering what we're talking about, just hop on over to Jenifer's!!

Amy Wyatt said...

Oh my... I love Jenifer's comment. So great. I was just going to add take every thought captive. Praying for you.

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

First, thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

Second...what a heart touching post!! Your honesty, and transparency is such a blessing.

Thanks so much for the gentle reminder concerning our thoughts. I think if each of us were honest...we too...struggle with negative!! But...Praise God...we can have freedom...even in our thought life.

Romans 8:6 says, "So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. BUT letting the Spirit control your mind leads to LIFE AND PEACE!!"

WOW....now that's powerful stuff.


Deborah said...

Hi again cheri...thanks for stopping by.
You may have already been tagged for this before, but I'm tagging you for a meme...to write a six word memoir. Visit my blog for more info. Thanks!

DeAnna said...

Be strong and take courage. The Father hears you. Cling to those verses that He gives you!! Old tapes of doubt, negative thoughts, inadequacy, etc. play in our minds over and over and over IF we allow them to do so. Throw that tape recorder out the door and get a new one! Fill your house with scripture posted everywhere - the bathroom mirror, the kitchen cabinets, everywhere that you spend time. The more we saturate our mind with His words the more He will renew us. He is refining you, Cheri, making you more like Him. And, the devil doesn't like it one bit.


Tonya said...


WOW, this is a very honest post... I'm proud of you for seeing what GOD sees and for having the desire to do what's necessary to make change. It's so easy to pretend that our struggles don't exist. I know that a while back I fell into this rut of feeling sorry for myself. I was becoming angry that my "friends" had deserted me. Are you seeing my pattern??? "Me, me, me!"

It was REALLY COOL that our group was studying the Psalms in the Bible at that time and it was noted by a man in our group that when the Psalmist had his eyes on GOD... it was ALL ABOUT PRAISE! But, when he was looking at himself, it was a whole lotta complaining. (I was SOOOO CONVICTED!) Yes, it still saddens me that many of our "closest friends" are "gone like the wind," but I've accepted that GOD has me in this place for a reason.. Now, I've just gotta sit still and let HIM reveal to me the areas that need some spring cleaning. O=-)

I'm glad HE doesn't make us "fix" everything at once... amen? I'd be OVERWHELMED at all HE could show me! (Those things that need confessing and direction on)

Take care, my FRIEND!

Jenifer said...

Ok. I'm struggling with something BIG right now and I need you to pray for me. I need absolute clarity and direction from the Lord. I don't want to act on impluse or hurt feelings. I want to do what God would have me do. Please pray. Sorry to leave this here, but I have no other way to contact you.

Thank you sweet friend!

Darlene said...

I wish I had some great advice to give you. But, I don't ....I too have been dealing with stinky thinking. It is very easy to fall in the pit when so many things are happening around you and in your home. I have posted positive words and verses on my mirror and fridge. This helps more than you realize. Just know that your Heavenly Father is with you...call on HIM. Thanks for your honesty. I am praying for you...my friend.

Unknown said...

I love your honesty and openness. So few admit they struggle with negativity. I have found that writing down my thoughts and "seeing" it helps me accept the full urgency of changing. I also like to use music that encourages me, so when I go to the "darkside" I play Joy by newsboys, or I am Free by Newsboys to remind me of where my thoughts should be, since they are coming from a heart that has Christ in it. And with God for me, what do I have to be down or negative about. All this will pass away, I am just the one He has asked to "manage" things the results and outcomes are up to Him, all He has asked me to do is Love, pray and Stand until He asks me to move and serve. I can handle that :)